First Methodist Episcopal Church of Battle Creek Election of Trustees


Dublin Core


First Methodist Episcopal Church of Battle Creek Election of Trustees


Calhoun County (Mich.)--History
Methodist Episcopal Church--Michigan--History--19th century


The 1856 first election of trustees for the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Battle Creek, Michigan. The document states that the church was already incorporated, but the articles of incorporation have not been found in MDL's microfilmed collection of church records.




Mosher, Levi
Pitter, Lyman
Parker, Charles
Smith, John W
Gregory, Milton K
Rogers, T
Griswold, William
Lacey, Samuel


In the public domain.










Battle Creek (Mich.)
Calhoun County (Mich.)

Text Item Type Metadata


State of Michigan
Calhoun County
We the undersigned two members & voters of the church hereafter mentioned, do hereby certify that under & in pursuance of an act of the State of Michigan entitled “an act concerning church and religious societies establishing rules for the acquisition, tenure, control & disposition of property conveyed or dedicated for religious purposes & to repeal chapter fifty two of the revised statutes, approved February 13th 1853, on the 24th day of March 1856, the legal voters of said church, being the “First Methodist Episcopal Church of Battle Creek” already incorporated, met at the place of public worship heretofore occupied by said Church in the Township of Emmet [sic] in said County, pursuant to due legal notice ___ for the purpose of electing trustees and the said voters did then & there elect by ballot Charles Parker, John W Smith, Milton K Gregory, Lyman Pitter, T___ Rogers as trustees of the said church and the said voters did then & there determine that the said trustees and their successors in office should forever thereafter be called & known by the name & title of “Trustees of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Battle Creek” that the undersigned were at said meeting nominated by a majority of the voters present to be inspectors of such elections for the reason that no two of the officers of said church as designated in section five of said act were present to act as inspectors, and that the members of said church celebrate divine worship according to the rites of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Witness our hands and seals this thirtieth day of May 1856.
Signed sealed & delivered
In presence of
Levi Mosher

Wm Griswold
Lyman Pitter

State of Michigan
Calhoun County
In this thirtieth day of May 1856, before me a Justice of the Peace of said County, personally appeared William Griswold and Lyman Pitter known to me to be the persons who executed the above certificate or instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same.
Levi Mosher
Justice of the Peace

Recorded June 1_th 1856
Samuel Lacey

Original Format
