West Pennfield Cemetery Articles of Incorporation

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West Pennfield Cemetery Articles of Incorporation


Cemeteries--Michigan--Calhoun County


The 1860 articles of incorporation for the West Pennfield Cemetery.




Parsons, Henry
Adams, John S.
Baldwin, Charles P.
White, H. G.
White, Calvin P.
Harris, James M.
Convis, Samuel
Bouton, David
Wolf, John
Newton, Barnabas
Williams, George H.
Davis, John W.
Holton, Lorenzo C.
Paddock, John L.


In the public domain.










Pennfield Charter Township (Mich.)
Calhoun County (Mich.)

Text Item Type Metadata


State of Michigan
Calhoun County

Henry Parsons, John S. Adams, Charles P. Baldwin, H. G. White, Calvin P. White, James M. Harris, Samuel Convis, David Bouton, John Wolf, Barnabas Newton, George H. Williams, John Davis, Lorenzo C. Holton & John L. Paddock met in Penfield [sic] County of Calhoun and State of Michigan at the school house near Wm Hicks on the 31st day of December 1860 at 6 o clock P.M. under the authority and the direction of a certain warrant issued by Henry Parsons one of the Justices of the Peace in and for said county of Calhoun directed to Barnabas Newton upon the application of said Barnabas Newton, John S. Adams, Henry G. White & George H. Williams due notice having been given as directed the said warrant – by posting up notices in two public places in said township of Pennfield in said County ten days before the time appointed for said meeting.

Said meeting was organized by appointing Calvin P. White President & John S. Adams clerk. The object of the meeting having been stated said meeting proceeded to organize a burying corporation in the township of Penfield [sic] County of Calhoun & State of Michigan under an act relating to Burying Grounds approved Feb 12th, 1855.

Henry Parsons & David Bouton reported in writing that there was a majority of surviving trustees holding two acres of land deeded to them in trust by the State of Michigan for a Burying Ground & tendered to this meeting said land as the West Pennfield Cemetery. The name was duly accepted and when this corporation shall be constituted to use occupy said land the name being on section 16 in Pennfield and now used as a Burying Ground.

The meeting then provided to choose the following officers by Ballot viz. President Clerk Treasurer & Sexton.

The whole number of votes given for the said office President was fourteen (14) & they were given for the following persons viz. thirteen (13) of them were given for Henry Parsons and one of them for Calvin P. White. The whole number of votes given for the office of clerk was ten (10) & they were all given for John S. Adams.

The whole number of votes given for the office of treasurer was ten (10). They were given for the following persons viz. Eight of them were given for David Bouton and two of them for Calvin P. White.

The whole number of votes given for the office of Sexton was nine (9). They were given for the following persons viz. Eight of them were given for Lorenzo C. Holton and one of them for John W. Davis. Thereupon the meeting by a vote declared the following persons duly elected – President Henry Parsons, Clerk John S. Adams, Treasurer David Bouton, Sexton Lorenzo C. Holton. On motion the following persons were appointed to draft a ___ of By-Laws for this corporation J. S. Adams, C. P. Baldwin, David Bouton, Samuel Convis, Henry Parsons. On motion the meeting adjourned to meet at this place Jan 14th 1861 at 6 o clock P.M.

Signed C. P. White President
John S. Adams Clerk
Pennfield Dec 31st 1860

Recorded Jan 4th 1861
Wm A Bar___

Original Format
