First Universalist Society in Battle Creek Articles of Incorporation (1843)

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First Universalist Society in Battle Creek Articles of Incorporation (1843)


Articles of incorporation
Calhoun County (Mich.)--History

Universalist Society--Michigan--History--19th century


The 1843 articles of incorporation for the First Universalist Society in Battle Creek, Michigan.




Reese, Andrew
Mason, Charles
Halliday, James
Joy, Warren
Cowles, Addison
Robinson, Joshua
Noble, Alonzo
Graham, Stephen
Beach, Asabel
Wheeler, Thomas
Stillson, Eli L.


In the public domain.










Battle Creek (Mich.)
Calhoun County (Mich.)

Text Item Type Metadata


At a meeting held in Battle Creek on the 25th day of Feby 1843 of the members of Universalist Congregation in pursuance of notice previously given according to law by Thomas Wheeler the minister of said congregation for the purpose of organizing a religious society by the election of Trustees. The meeting was called to order by the said minister & after reading the law governing such elections Andrew Reese & Charles Mason were nominated & chosen as Judges of such election. The number of Trustees by vote of such meeting was fixed at seven and the following named persons were duly chosen as such trustees and were drawn in the following classes to wit:

James Halliday
Warren Joy
First Class

Addison Cowles
Joshua Robinson
Second Class

Alonzo Noble
Stephen Graham
Asabel Beach
Third Class

On motion it was resolved that the name by which this society shall be known & designated shall be the first Universalist Society in Battle Creek. We the above named Judges of Election hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the proceedings and in the meeting named.
Signed & sealed in the presence of the undersigned witnesses

Warren Joy
Thomas Wheeler
Andrew Reese
Charles Mason

State of Michigan
Calhoun County

On this 25th day of February A.D. 1843 personally came before me the undersigned Justice of the Peace in and for said county the witnesses named Andrew Rees & Charles Mason, known to me to be the identical persons whose hands and seals are affixed to the written certificate and to me acknowledged the execution of the same to be their free act and deed for the uses & purposes set forth in Chapter 1, Title 10, Part 1 of the Revised Statutes of said State Entitled of Religious Societies. Witness my hand the day & year first above written.

Eli L. Stillson
Justice of the Peace

Recorded March 8, 1843
Co. Clerk

Original Format
