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  • Tags: Methodist Episcopal

Methodist Episcopal Church of Battle Creek.pdf
The 1844 appointment of trustees for the Methodist Episcopal Church of Battle Creek.

Methodist Episcopal Wesleyan Seminary_Albion.pdf
The 1851 articles of incorporation for the Wesleyan Seminary of Albion, Michigan.

Methodist Episcopal Church Parsonage Burlington.pdf
The 1847 appointment of trustees for the parsonage of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Burlington, Michigan.

Methodist Episcopal Parsonage_Burlington.pdf
The 1845 articles of incorporation for the parsonage of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Burlington, Michigan.

Preachers Saving Fund Society.pdf
The 1864 articles of agreement for the Preachers Savings Fund Society of the Michigan Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Rev Benjamin Sabin credentials.pdf
Testimony by William McKendree, bishop in the Methodist Episcopal Church, that Benjamin Sabin was a qualified church elder.

Rev Elijah Crane credentials.pdf
Testimony by Enoch George, bishop in the Methodist Episcopal Church, that Elijah Crane was a church deacon.

Rev Peter Sabin credentials.pdf
Testimony by Elijah Hedding, bishop in the Methodist Episcopal Church, that Peter Sabin was a qualified church elder.

Wesleyan Seminary at Albion 2.pdf
The 1845 appointment of trustees for the Wesleyan Seminar in Albion, by the Michigan Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Wesleyan Seminary at Albion 1.pdf
The 1846 appointment of trustees for the Wesleyan Seminar in Albion, by the Michigan Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
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