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  • Tags: Presbyterian

First Presbyterian_Clarendon.pdf
The 1839 articles of incorporation for the First Presbyterian Society of Clarendon, Michigan.

First Presbyterian_Homer.pdf
The 1847 articles of incorporation for the First Presbyterian Society of Homer, Michigan.

First Presbyterian_Marshall.pdf
The 1835 articles of incorporation for the First Presbyterian Church of Marshall, Michigan.

First Presbyterian Society of Tekonsha.pdf
The 1848 articles of incorporation for the First Presbyterian Society of Tekonsha, Michigan.

First Presbyterian Society of Albion.pdf
The 1849 articles of incorporation for the First Presbyterian Society of Albion, Michigan.

United Congregational & Presbyterian Society of BC.pdf
The 1842 articles of incorporation of the United Congregational & Presbyterian Society of Battle Creek.

Presbyterian Society of Marshall 1.pdf
The 1844 articles of incorporation for the Presbyterian Society of Marshall.

Rev Justin March credentials.pdf
Testimony by Sylvester Eaton, clerk, that Rev. Justin March was a minister of the Buffalo Presbytery (NY), in good standing.
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